News & Resources

Closeup of a young baby sleeping on a woman's shoulder


We aim to be a resource to our Together Georgia members and to all in Georgia’s child welfare community. We will keep you informed of important news from government agencies, exciting career opportunities, and heartwarming success stories.

Latest News

State Legislators Visit Together Georgia Members

by Claire Wood
Recently, Rep. Katie Dempsey brought the Georgia State House Appropriations Sub-Committee on Human Relations to four Together Georgia Member Child Caring Institution (CCI) facilities. Over two days, groups of legislators visited a variety of our members from across the state.

Success Stories

We are so proud of the hard work our members do, as well as the children and families that are now thriving as a result. Join us in reading about and celebrating their successes. Please email us to share your own agency’s success stories.

Jenny and WellSpring Living

togetherga | December 11, 2020


Jenny, a Georgia native, has seen the ugly truths of what living on the streets, being homeless, andhaving to survive one day at a time looks like. Despite the many barriers and struggles Jenny hasexperienced in her life,at 18,she came to WellspringLiving’s Women’s Residential ProgramSouthmotivated to reach her goals and succeed…

WinShape Homes

togetherga | December 7, 2020


At WinShape Homes, our goal is to bring hurting children into loving, Christ-centered homes. Being in the foster care space, we do most of our work in person; that meant almost everything had to change when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. For our Foster Care program, we adapted by reinventing ourselves…

Bloom Our Youth

togetherga | December 11, 2020


At The Bloom ClosetBloom’s statewide resource center for foster youththousands ofchildren are provided with clothes, shoes, backpacks filled with school supplies, personalhygiene items, and more. The entire Bloom Closet experience, from the positivestore staffto the highquality items, restores dignity to children who are distressed and often devastated…

Job Listings

We strive to be a resource for our members as well as for individual child welfare professionals. We are happy to advertise job openings with our member agencies and partner organizations. Active Together Georgia members may submit job listings for promotion on our site.

Two Woman talking at Together GA Day
Two teenage boys sitting in chairs on a porch

New Provider Orientation

Intended Audience: Orientation is for those who are interested in opening a group home providing 24 hour residential care to children or starting a foster care agency–this orientation is not for day care providers.

Description: This orientation will cover the current status of child welfare, opportunities for serving children and alternatives to group care. Currently the State has minimal need for new group homes. A program may become licensed but unless there is need for new programs, the state will not contract with you for the placement of children – Georgia is encouraging the development of home and community based services.

Attend Our Annual Conference