DCH Delays Mandatory Claims Submissions for Electronic Visit Verifications to October 1, 2021

As of this week, DCH has decided to delay mandatory claims submission for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) from July 1, 2021, to October 1, 2021. Fiscal intermediaries and traditional providers may continue to bill through the Tellus/Netsmart solution or GAMMIS until October 1, 2021.

EVV itself is not postponed or delayed. EVV is up and fully functional for use now.

All providers are encouraged to utilize and get on board with EVV as soon as possible and not delay. There will be no delay to the claims edit post October 1, 2021. And the sooner providers start utilizing the system now, the less concerns there will be when the mandatory claims edit goes into place on October 1, 2021.

New deadlines related to EVV activities have been established to ensure provider adoption. If a provider has not completed the activities below by the expressed date, that agency will be subject to pre-payment review.

· July 23, 2021 – All providers are required to be registered with the State EVV solution, Netsmart (Tellus). Even Providers using a third-party EVV vendor are required to register with the State EVV solution.

· August 31, 2021 – All providers are required to have employees input into their chosen EVV solution and successfully submit at least one EVV-related claim. To successfully submit a claim, aides and caregivers will have to use and capture visit data using EVV.

· October 1, 2021 – All EVV-related claims will be required to include EVV information and be submitted via the State EVV solution. Mandatory claims edit for EVV-required services will be turned on and the only exception will be for those with an outstanding support ticket.

EVV is a federal mandate and will be required in Georgia. The mandatory claims delay to October 1, 2021, should be used as an opportunity to ensure there are no disruptions in providers’ claims payments.

As previously communicated, DCH will still host the town halls scheduled for July 7th and July 8th. We encourage all providers to attend and ask any questions about this process that they may have.

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